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DOGOPOLY News April-June 2005

June... The DOGOPOLY prepares for the summer surge of vendor inquiries.

May... Demand for DOGOPOLY continues to be strong in the international market as many inquiries and sales come through our system.

April...DOGOPOLY rolls out several new games, available for free download.

DOGOPOLY News January-March 2005

February...DOGOPOLY continues to gain international exposure with more inquiries from around the world, including Portuagal, England, South Africa, Canada, and Hong Kon, among many others.

January... In spite of increased shipping costs, DOGOPOLY continues to sell at the same price to consumers and continues to be the best fresh game value on the market.

January... As we roll into the new year, DOGOPOLY continues to prove that it is the best "opoly" game on the market.  Stay with us as we continue to blow away the competition with far superior products.  DOGOPOLY  has been "making tracks" for over 175 dog years.  If you don't see paths in the middle of the game, you simply won't have as much fun with your game!

DOGOPOLY News October-December 2004

December 8...DOGOPOLY appears in Ruralite Magazine (formerly Valley Electric Magazine) opposite a "Pet Peeves" article.

December 3...DOGOPOLY website gets a small facelift to show more features and to allow our Canadian friends better access to on-line ordering from our order section.

November 26...Thanksgiving has gone to the dogs as piles of people jam into our online store for a piece of the DOGOPOLY pie and order the game.

October 24...Our new affiliate, PetLink Pte, Ltd. of Singapore, selling DOGOPOLY and other pet products at a recent show.  William (in white) was even able to sell several games prior to the show.

October 22...Visitors go crazy for our Lucky Dog contest as we get flooded with contest entries.  These contributors and voters get special game discounts.

DOGOPOLY News July-September 2004

September 18...DOGOPOLY soon to offer 2005 calendars with pictures from our website.

September 11... DOGOPOLY arrives at yet another island: Singapore, with our new distributor, PetLink.

September 6... DOGOPOLY ships to Pure'ly Paws of the American Virgin Islands.  Welcome aboard!

So next time you're cruisin' around the lovely Islands and missin' your favorite pet back home, make sure to look them up, check out the DOGOPOLY display, say "Hi", and pick up a souvenir.

July... The exciting new DOGOPOLY backgammon game continues on its development path and is coming along great.  If you'd like to see a preview, contact us about our beta-testing program.  Also, we continue work on our DOGOPOLY computer version which will support "skins" that allow you to play a dog version, cat version, or pretty much any version your creative mind can think up.

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